Warminster Bird Trail

The Story behind Secret Bird Art of Warminster..
“I started painting on boarded- up shops and buildings around Warminster town centre in summer 2021. I wanted to raise an awareness of these unsightly and unloved properties, give them an attractive feature and a reason for people to look at them. The addition of a few painted birds or creatures can transform an eyesore into something that brings a smile to people’s faces and hopefully gives the town an uplift.
“Based on these paintings, various shop owners in town have asked me to paint one or two birds or other creatures on their shop frontages! I am always delighted to, I don’t charge for these town centre paintings (I make my living from my studio work).
“My hope is that the secret bird map offers a little trail of discovery, where visitors get some fresh air and enjoy Warminster for the special town it is! I’d love it if people come to see my birds and then frequent the local shops: have a coffee, visit the town’s independent traders!
“In early 2022, the management of Three Horseshoes Walk invited me to paint a mural at the entrance to the shopping centre. The theme for this mural is a flock made up of different birds flying together to reflect the diverse and warmly inclusive nature of Warminster.”
Tanya Hinton